zana doesnt show the "daily mission" line

anyone knows how to fix it? :(((
Last bumped on Sep 1, 2017, 9:23:18 PM
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Try uploading your image somewhere like imgur, where we can actually see it/link it here.

The only reason I know of that Zana's option to do a daily would be missing is that you are on a character that does not have access to maps yet.
Yeah, I'm guessing you haven't completed act 10 with that character yet.
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Last edited by mark1030 on Sep 1, 2017, 11:41:36 AM
Docbp87 wrote:
Try uploading your image somewhere like imgur, where we can actually see it/link it here.

The only reason I know of that Zana's option to do a daily would be missing is that you are on a character that does not have access to maps yet.

I will reupload the image tomorrow. Im having conection issue atm. My cata and leo shows their daily mission line normally. Only zana shows this error. I checked with my lvel 90 character.
draconica7 wrote:
Docbp87 wrote:
Try uploading your image somewhere like imgur, where we can actually see it/link it here.

The only reason I know of that Zana's option to do a daily would be missing is that you are on a character that does not have access to maps yet.

I will reupload the image tomorrow. Im having conection issue atm. My cata and leo shows their daily mission line normally. Only zana shows this error. I checked with my lvel 90 character.

When you are on the level 90 character, the text line doesn't appear at all? Or it is red? Because on a character than has no completed act 10, the line will not appear at all. A character that HAS completed it will always show the line, but it will be red if the daily hasn't reset yet.
When you are on the level 90 character, the text line doesn't appear at all? Or it is red? Because on a character than has no completed act 10, the line will not appear at all. A character that HAS completed it will always show the line, but it will be red if the daily hasn't reset yet.[/quote]

It doesnt appear at all with my lvl90 character. However, my 35 templar cam see daily mission for leo and cata, too.
draconica7 wrote:
When you are on the level 90 character, the text line doesn't appear at all? Or it is red? Because on a character than has no completed act 10, the line will not appear at all. A character that HAS completed it will always show the line, but it will be red if the daily hasn't reset yet.

It doesnt appear at all with my lvl90 character. However, my 35 templar cam see daily mission for leo and cata, too.

Leo and Catarina missions don't require your character to have completed act 10. You can do those any time with any character. Zana, because she requires access to maps, requires your character to have completed Act 10. It seems strange that the level 90 character can't see the Daily Mission option either though. That makes me think there is more to the story, that only a screenshot will help.
Last edited by Docbp87 on Sep 1, 2017, 12:43:18 PM
Leo and Catarina missions don't require your character to have completed act 10. You can do those any time with any character. Zana, because she requires access to maps, requires your character to have completed Act 10. It seems strange that the level 90 character can't see the Daily Mission option either though. That makes me think there is more to the story, that only a screenshot will help.

lol, i log in to my lvl 90 char,Zana's daily mission line appeared again. idk if my mind is broken or somethings else. Thank you for your attention. :))))

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