Challenge Bugs

2 Challenge bugs i've encountered, handing multiple Divine Vessels in only counted 1 as being completed. Not sure if Abberath is just glitched but i havent tested 2 of different gods. Link is images of it completed but challenge not being counted.

Defeat the Pale Council, no highlight of killing the Unbreathing queen. Killed her, got the key but the challenge didn't highlight and i still have 0/4 killed.
Last bumped on Aug 24, 2017, 8:50:41 AM
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Can confirm the bugged Abberath - i got 1 Divine Vessel, killed the boss (vessel was full), handed it in - it shows in the Pantheon but the Challenge is still 0/5
Handed in upgrades for Yugol, Abberath, Gruthkul and Ryslatha at the same time.
None of them counted towards my achievement progress.

I had the upgraded Tukohama unlocked before this which did count towards my achievements.

So right now I'm stuck at 1/5 progress for the challenge.
If only there were a known issues thread for people to check.
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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
The Abberath challenge is currently bugged in general. It gets reported here every day and was noted by GGG a while ago (see here). It is also noted in the stickied "Known Issues" thread.

If you want to complete the challenge before the fix, you can upgrade the "Brine King" (major top left power), this one currently completes Abberath.


Regarding the Pale Council: Getting the key is not what the challenge wants you to do, you need to defeat the four council members at the "Pale Court" which you get access to by collecting all four key fragments and using them in a map device.
I saw the Known issues which is why i said i don't know if it is just a bug for Abberath but for all gods when handing in multiple.
Also thank you, i didn't realise killing the unbreathing queen had to be in the Pale Council area and not just the Unbreathing Queen V prophecy

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