Hybrid evasion trickster; Would it be viable.


I'm currently leveling an essence drain hc shadow. I'm only level 30, but have a tree somewhat planned out for it. As shade form gives a nice amount of ES and Evasion I was wondering if an hybrid life/es, with evasion trickster could be viable on hc.

The build I have planned out is the following (level 88, kill all for bandits).

For defense it has 187% life, 172% ES, 197% Evasion, and 20% chaos resist. As i was planning to run both grace and discipline, I would have roughly 3.3K health, 1.6k ES and 55% Evade change just from levels and the tree, at level 88 with a level 20 grace and discipline.

With gear I think it should be able to get to 4.5k-5k Life and ES, and 65-70% evade change. With some chaos resist on my gear, i should hopefully be able to get it to 30% +, as I'm already getting 20% from the tree, all at level 88.

Now i was just wondering if something like this would work. While I got a pretty high health pool depending on gear (somewhere between 8 and 10k), I don't have any health regen outside of Essence drain, and no ES regen outside of taken no damage for 1.6s (got 20% faster recharge start from trickster).

Or would it be better to just drop the whole evasion part and just focus on Hybrid, or CI, or Life?

Last bumped on Aug 21, 2017, 5:41:08 PM

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